Let local people decide on Rail Terminals

Chris Lofts campaigning in Blisworth

Chris Lofts, Liberal Democrat candidate for South Northamptonshire, has been out on the campaign trail again. Chris spent part of Friday morning with a visit to Silverstone University Technical College (UTC). Chris made his visit to get a greater understanding of the difficult financial issues facing the whole of education.

Later, Chris and his Lib Dem campaign team were battling with the rain in Roade and Blisworth, where there are plans for massive Rail Freight Terminals. Commenting Chris Lofts said:

“There are two separate proposals, each would in my opinion blight our countryside, as well as damage the quality of life in Roade, Blisworth and Milton Malsor. The traffic generated would badly affect surrounding areas too. There would be even more congestion and air pollution on the M1, and local trunk roads, including the A508, A45, A43 and the A5.”

The Conservative’s want these plans decided centrally, by a Government minister and bureaucrats in London, bypassing local communities and the usual planning process.

Chris Lofts added: “I recently attended a public meeting in Roade, where it was plain there is considerable local opposition to these plans. Our former MP was also there and added her concerns, but overall her views were the same as her Conservative Government; ‘let market forces decide’, and that means, not local people. We need a change of approach and a strong local voice.”

Chris Lofts concluded: “As your MP I would fight to stop Government ignoring local opinion. I’d fight to scrap policies that put developers’ profits before our environment and people’s lives.

As your MP, I wouldn’t be a poodle of Government.

With the Tory landslide, we need a strong opposition, and in South Northamptonshire, I would provide that strong local voice.”


Where’s Andrea?

BBC’s Newsnight has been speculating: ‘where’s Andrea Leadsom‘? South Northamptonshire’s former MP has gone missing.

Presenter Kirsty Wark wondered why Andrea had gone missing in – inaction, and referred to her as the ‘nowhere woman.’ The Government announced its anti-pollution strategy last week, we might have expected her to be on tv or radio, but no, so where was the Secretary of State for the Environment?  Andrea was nowhere to be found for interview or comment. Andrea had gone missing again…

Reporter John Sweeney went off in search of the Environment Secretary. He visited Towcester, after failing to get in touch with Andrea’s staff. They weren’t returning his calls. She wasn’t in Towcester, Andrea was, according to Twitter, off to Cornwall, home of our former Tory County Councillor who retired there some years ago – but failed at that time to remember to resign as a councillor; until pushed.

John Sweeney tried and tried but failed to find Andrea Leadsom, who it seems, is even more reluctant to meet real voters than her erstwhile leadership contender and now Prime Minister.

Do let me know if you have an idea where our former MP might be hiding.



The air pollution report the Government doesn’t want you to see

Chris Lofts calls for action on air pollution

The Liberal Democrats have called on Andrea Leadsom to publish her highly embarrassing report on air pollution before the election. Chris Lofts, Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for South Northants, has said the government is reportedly blocking release of its report into air pollution because it is worried the “shaming” findings would become a major election issue. Chris Lofts said: “This is a public health issue that directly affects Towcester and other parts of South Northamptonshire, it shouldn’t be a party political matter.”

Chris Lofts also commented:

“Air pollution is one of the biggest health challenges in Britain today. The Conservatives have hidden the truth about their toxic policies. Increasingly air pollution is linked to a rise in asthma, COPD, heart conditions, and even recently to dementia. A vote for the Tories is a vote for more air pollution.

It is a disgrace that the government wants to block a report which is expected to say that pollution is at dangerous levels in many of our cities and towns, including Towcester. Liberal Democrats have been campaigning hard for Towcester’s relief road. The Conservatives claim they support the Lib Dems on this but have failed to take action. All we get from the Tories is ‘hot air’.

As Environment Secretary, Andrea Leadsom should be hugely embarrassed because it is EU air quality standards the government is flouting. No wonder the Conservatives want a hard Brexit, so they can change the rules to leave polluters free to damage the nation’s health.

The government is refusing to spend the money on measures that would improve air quality, such as investment in public transport, but this is a false economy because it burdens the NHS and destroys lives.”

Lib Dems Call for Action on Air Quality

Air QualityTowcester Liberal Democrats have called on the government to tackle poor air quality and ensure vital pollution limits are not watered down post-Brexit.

This month marks the 60th anniversary of the Clean Air Act, which was introduced in the 1950s to tackle deadly smog affecting UK cities.

In a letter to the new Secretary of State for the Environment Andrea Leadsom, the government is urged to ensure it follows through on EU agreements to tackle air pollution and enshrine essential limits into British law.

The letter emphasises that the government must not “betray the legacy of the Clean Air Act by allowing the UK to become the dirty man of Europe once again.”

Full text of the letter

The Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP

Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


Dear Andrea

We write to you as both our local MP and in your new role as Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Earlier this month the Liberal Democrats wrote to your predecessor Liz Truss on the important issue of air quality. We are unashamedly using much of the text of that letter to highlight the issue again as it greatly affects Towcester, here in your own constituency.

This month marks the 60th anniversary since the Clean Air Act came into force, which did so much to reduce the deadly smog then afflicting cities across the UK. We are now faced with another crossroads in the fight for cleaner air, as the country prepares to leave the EU and potentially put vital pollution limits at risk.

As you know, Towcester suffers from air pollution caused by traffic, in particular HGVs, using the A5 through the centre of town. With a relief road still many years away, children, the elderly and people with respiratory and heart conditions are all particularly vulnerable to the serious health impacts of such poor air quality. Towcester has schools, nurseries and retirement homes all in very close proximity to the A5. Air quality has been monitored in Towcester for many years but no action has been taken directly to improve air quality.

It is now time for a new Clean Air Act to take this fight to the next level and enshrine vital EU legislation into law. We’ve come far in the fight against air pollution in recent decades, but there remains much to be done. Air pollution is still linked to an estimated 40,000 early deaths each year in the UK. Thousands of children still go to school in areas with dangerously high levels of pollution, damaging lung development and causing higher rates of asthma. The young, elderly and people with respiratory and heart conditions are all particularly vulnerable to the serious health impacts of poor air quality. Many parts of the UK such as Towcester are still failing to meet EU limits for safe and healthy air. Yet despite this, DEFRA has halved local authority funding for tackling air pollution.

European wide legislation is crucial to ensure action is taken by governments to improve air quality. Air pollution crosses borders, with around 40% of harmful pollutants in the UK coming from elsewhere in Europe and much of our own pollution ending up abroad. A new EU agreement has been reached to cut deadly emissions is set to halve the number of premature deaths from air pollution in the EU by 2030. Yet this strong international framework risks coming undone by the UK’s departure from the EU.

We would urge you to ensure that in coming Brexit negotiations, the UK government follows through on EU agreements to tackle air pollution and enshrines essential limits into British law. Leaving the EU must not be used as a way to dilute vital air quality legislation. Please do not betray the legacy of the Clean Air Act by allowing the UK to become the dirty man of Europe once again.

Whatever happens in the coming years, the UK government must commit to making Britain a greener and healthier place to live – investing in electric vehicles, promoting energy efficiency, and encouraging green innovation – and continue to play its part in delivering cleaner air for future generations.

Yours sincerely,

Councillor Martin Johns

Towcester Town Council /                     

South Northamptonshire Council

Towcester Brook Ward


Councillor Chris Lofts

Towcester Town Council /

South Northamptonshire Council

Towcester Mill Ward /

County Councillor for Towcester & Roade


Councillor Lisa Samiotis

Towcester Town Council /                     

South Northamptonshire Council

Towcester Brook Ward


Councillor Catharine Tarbun

South Northamptonshire Council

Towcester Mill Ward


Councillor David Tarbun

Towcester Town Council

Lib Dems Affordable Housing Success

8 Watling Street

Discussing 8 Watling Street with a Towcester resident back in 2012

A long running Liberal Democrat campaign has succeeded in providing much needed affordable housing in Towcester for single people, couples and small families.

The successful campaign by the Lib Dems also means that a historic building in the centre of Towcester will be put back into use. Both sets of properties were previously used by South Northamptonshire Council for social housing but had stayed empty for years.

Commenting Councillor Martin Johns said: “This has been an important issue that the Liberal Democrats have campaigned on relentlessly for the past four years. We are delighted to see that 8 Watling Street and Lower Stable Yard are finally being redeveloped. They have been empty for many years. It has been a disgrace that a massive amount of public money was poured into these properties by the Tories, only for properties to remain empty for such a very long time. 8 Watling Street, a listed building had been left empty and to rot for more than 14 years.”

Councillor Lisa Samiotis adds: “Council housing officers have worked hard to find a way to bring these properties back to life. After several false starts a solution to providing affordable housing at these locations has been found. This is very good news for people on the housing waiting list and for Towcester.”

Towcester Lib Dems Make Landslide Gains

Liberal Democrats made two landslide gains from Tories in the by-elections on 9th February.

Chris Lofts took Northamptonshire County Council’s Towcester division on a massive swing of more than 30% since the 2009 shire polls. Lisa Samiotis triumphed at Towcester Brook, South Northants Council. This brings the total of Liberal Democrat gains this month to three, after a win from Labour last week.

Many people are angry at how the Conservatives have taken Towcester people for granted. The last Conservative County Councillor moved 200 miles away yet remained on the Council claiming her allowance. The Conservatives then spent over £3000 on a painting of her. Conservative bosses then parachuted in a new candidate who lives outside the area.

The Tories have failed Towcester. Locals are fed up with threats to cut local police numbers and plans to close Riverside Resource Centre. They are very upset that the Council is still trying to move to new offices in the town centre. They are fed up with street lights being turned off and roads left with potholes.

Liberal Democrats Chris Lofts and Lisa Samiotis live in Towcester. They know the area and the issues we face. This election result doesn’t change control of the Councils but it gives us two new local councillors who will work hard and put Towcester first.

Chris Lofts and Lisa Samiotis and the Liberal Democrats have worked hard all year around, not just at election time. They have had a great reception on the doorstep and have thanked residents for their support. The Conservatives have been sent a very clear message – start listening to Towcester residents.

Northamptonshire County Council – Towcester: Lib Dem 1279, C 638, Ukip 124, BNP 66. (June 2009 – C 1648, Lib Dem 760, Lab 293). Lib Dem gain from C.
Swing 31.6% C to Lib Dem.

South Northamptonshire District Council – Towcester Brook: Lib Dem 774, C 401, Ukip 129. (May 2011 – Three seats Lib Dem 857, C 831, Lib Dem 811, C 785, 753, Lib Dem 645, Ukip 266, 178). Lib Dem gain from C.
Swing 13.6% C to Lib Dem.

Lib Dems Select Locals as Towcester Candidates

The Liberal Democrats have selected Lisa Samiotis and Chris Lofts as their candidates for the by-elections called by the Conservatives for Thursday 9 February.

Lisa Samiotis is well known for her successful campaign to keep a local school crossing patrol and fund raising to support it. As a young working mum, Lisa knows the pressures of balancing bringing up children whilst working part-time. Lisa Samiotis plans to put Towcester family concerns and issues at the top of her agenda when elected. Liberal Democrat Lisa Samiotis is the only women candidate selected by political parties in these elections.

Chris Lofts is a town councillor and proud to have been a past Mayor of Towcester. Chris Lofts is very active locally within a number of voluntary organisations in Towcester. Chris was elected last May as a district councillor and has been working hard for Towcester people since his election win.

It will be a fascinating contest, on the doorstep people have been saying how much they appreciate the work Liberal Democrats do in Towcester all year around. The Liberal Democrats have two very strong local candidates in Lisa and Chris.

I’m somewhat puzzled that our opponents have failed to find a local person to contest the county council seat. The clear message from Towcester residents on the doorstep is they’re fed up with councillors who choose to live outside the town.

Lisa and Chris talking to parents

Lib Dems Vote Against Council Offices Move

South Northants Council has selected a developer as the preferred bidder to lead on plans for building on Springfields and Moat Lane in Towcester. This will still be subject to conditions being met.

Liberal Democrats with some independent councillor support opposed the controversial plans. These were discussed at a special council meeting held on Wednesday.

Lib Dems believe the proposal represents an unacceptable financial risk to local tax payers and at the same time may not comply with the council’s own master plan for Moat Lane. The Conservatives remain fixated on their vanity scheme for new council offices. Tories spent most of the meeting trying to score party political points, rather than debate the issues that are so important to Towcester.

The proposals heard in secret because of commercial and legal reasons will be made public when put forward through the planning process. Liberal Democrat, Councillor Chris Lofts said: “The plans show a sense of desperation by the council’s Tory administration. The council office move remains in the proposals against very strong public opinion.”

Lib Dems host visit by Minister for Justice

Visit to Vision Youth Cafe

Local Liberal Democrats last week hosted a visit to Towcester by Lord Tom McNally.

Lord McNally is leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords and Minister Of State for Justice.

During the day Lord McNally visited Silverstone Circuit before going on to meet the Police Area Commander to discuss local policing issues. After being interviewed live by BBC Radio Northampton, he went on to visit the Vision Youth Café. At Vision he met young people and youth leaders involved in this vibrant local youth project. Together with Cllr Chris Lofts I’ve been supporting the group’s funding problems after they lost secure funding from the county council.

Scott Collins, Parliamentary Spokesman for the Liberal Democrats in South Northamptonshire said about the visit which he organised: “We were delighted that Lord McNally was able to spend so much time speaking with people in Towcester and hearing about local issues.”

Commenting on his visit Lord McNally said: “I’ve been greatly impressed by all the new developments at Silverstone and now fully appreciate its growing importance to the local economy. Silverstone is a demonstration of British engineering excellence with potential for even greater things to come.” It was good to see Tom’s support for the youth work at Vision and as Minister for Justice, hear from young people directly about their volunteering and other positive activities. Tom said he will use this as an example of good practice. Lord McNally’s visit ended with him speaking in Towcester at a packed meeting of local Liberal Democrat activists and supporters.

Cautious Welcome for Towcester Blueprint

Copies of the adopted Masterplan for Towcester are now available for the public. This key planning document looks at challenges facing the town, highlights opportunities and sets out a vision for Towcester’s future development.

Commenting Councillor Martin Johns says, “This is an important publication that deals with issues from the town’s economy, to transport, housing, the environment, education, health and community services. Towcester Liberal Democrats are giving a cautious welcome to the plan.”

Cllr Johns adds, “Like most local people we strongly oppose the proposed move by SNC to Moat Lane referred to in the plan. Liberal Democrat SNC councillors are also being watchful that new development delivers fully on what the town needs. This includes an A5 bypass, community facilities and consideration of how new developments will affect existing properties both in the town’s estates and at Wood Burcote. Liberal Democrats will work to ensure that the impact of new development on existing residents’ homes will be minimised.”

Councillor Chris Lofts comments, “Although delivered late, this plan offers some good ideas for Towcester’s future. Liberal Democrats will be scrutinising local authorities and developers over the coming months and years to make sure Towcester gets the facilities and infrastructure the community needs.”