Concern is growing as more people are becoming aware of street lights in Towcester and across the county being switching off. A Liberal Democrat campaign to reinstate street lighting is being backed by local community groups, businesses and residents.
Local people are beginning to realise what the impact of turning off public lighting is having. Crime and fear of crime has been highlighted by Neighbourhood Watch. The AA and police are very concerned about the affect on road accidents.
I featured recently on BBC Radio Northampton who ran an item on the impact of the Conservative run county council’s big switch off.
Towcester Neighbourhood Watch say, “We… anticipate an increased feeling of insecurity and the fear of crime, with a loss of confidence in especially the elderly, vulnerable and young people in feeling safe taking a casual walk in the evening, walking to the shops or out with the dog, etc.”
Commenting Councillor Chris Lofts says, “Liberal Democrats will be supporting others at a Neighbourhood Watch organised public meeting to be held at Towcester Town Hall on 29 June at 7.30 pm. The total lack of consultation by the Tories has increased people’s anger over this short sighted policy of switching off street lights.”
NCC are negotiating a complex deal to replace street lights with energy efficient ones but there is no guarantee that this will happen. Even if lights are replaced, Tory run NCC admit that it will be well into 2012 before this happens. Towcester will be left in the dark over the bleakest winter months.
The safest and logical way would have been to replace the lights first, rather than plunge streets into darkness. This is inept planning by putting the cart before the horse!