A Liberal Democrat council motion on Wednesday 27 July urging the county council to review its policy of reducing street lighting by 50% was rejected out of hand by South Northamptonshire conservatives.
I called on local Tories to urge their colleagues at NCC to revisit their plan of turning off street lights. Good street lighting is essential in allowing normal life to continue after dark. It reduces street crime and fear of crime and reduces the number and severity of night-time road accidents. It also helps the emergency services carry out their roles after dark.
Good street lighting increases evening activity and promotes the evening economy by making people more confident in using public transport; enabling them to walk the streets after dark in safety and offering access to evening work, education and leisure activities.
Councillor Chris Lofts another Towcester Liberal Democrat councillor said: “The conservatives are putting their heads in the sand and denying that this issue is of concern to local people. If they were more in touch they would that understand good street lighting is very important to people.”