Since the Towcester Advertiser broke the news, there has been strong local reaction to Towcester’s county councillor moving to Cornwall. I have been dismayed however by the anger and personal attacks on Mrs Bromwhich. Whilst people’s fury is understandable, it would be more appropriately leveled at the Conservative Party.
Knowing Mrs Bromwhich for many years I believe her to be an honourable and well meaning person. The idea that anyone could represent Towcester whilst living in Cornwall is plainly barmy. Mrs Bromwhich I’m sure realises this only too well. The real villains are her Tory colleagues, who have pressured her into staying on as a councillor. Given the unpopularity of the Conservatives at county hall, the Tories will seemingly do anything to avoid being called to account. Even if this means damaging the reputation of a loyal party member.
It’s the Conservatives who deserve to be derided over this sorry matter not Mrs Bromwhich. Her mistake has been putting misplaced loyalty to the Tories above the democratic rights of Towcester residents.