Liberal Democrat councillors have come out strongly in favour of keeping the council’s green wheelie bin service free of extra annual charges. South Northants Council’s Conservatives are considering charging an annual fee for using green wheelie bins.
SNC’s waste and recycling service is one of the few services that benefits everyone in Towcester. To charge householders an extra £30 to £60 a year or more for using their green wheelie bin would be wrong.
Focus Team member Lisa Samiotis says: “Charging up to £60 a year for having a green wheelie bin would reduce recycling, add to fly-tipping and car trips to the recycling centre”. Lisa Samiotis adds: “It would be a recipe for chaos”. Councillor Chris Lofts says: “SNC is reviewing its how it runs its waste services because they need to renew the vehicle fleet. This is sensible. Your Liberal Democrat councillors will however be looking for all party support to keep your green wheelie bin from having extra annual charges introduced.”