The Liberal Democrats have pointed out that local Tories have got themselves in ‘hot water’ over their unpopular plan for a car park in Towcester’s floodplain.
Despite incorrect claims made by SNC’s Conservatives, Towcester Liberal Democrats can confirm that South Northants Council did not grant planning permission yesterday for a car park.
The Development Control Committee (Planning Committee) merely resolved to delegate the matter to the Head of Development Management to grant planning permission, but only on the strict basis that the Environment Agency unambiguously withdraw their objection (which is not a foregone conclusion in itself given the complexity of flood risk issues). If the flood risk issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the Environment Agency, Planning Officers would have no alternative but to take the matter back to Committee with a recommendation to refuse.
Towcester’s Liberal Democrat member of the Development Control Committee voted against the council’s plans for a car park within the Shires floodplain. Commenting, Liberal Democrat Councillor Martin Johns said: “After much consideration, taking into account all relevant issues, I spoke and voted against the proposal. My view is shared by the Environment Agency, that also objects to the Tories plan for a soggy car park next to a residential area.”
Conservatives all voted in favour of the application. Towcester’s Conservative councillor (who isn’t a member of the committee) attended and spoke at length in favour of the floodplain car park. Implausibly, he strongly denied that the car park was mainly intended for staff to be based at their new council offices in Moat Lane. Dismissing the views of local residents, the Tory councillor commented: “Well, someone’s got to live next to a car park.”
The bungled and hazardous road closures that have blighted travel around Towcester are directly linked to the proposed car park. Without the ‘improvements’ SNC couldn’t go ahead with its scheme for the out of town 170 space car park that could flood several times a year.