Liberal Democrats are highlighting that yet more doubt has been raised as to whether SNC’s Tory-led plans for a floodplain car park can go ahead. The Liberal Democrats are opposed to the plan, whilst the town’s two local Conservative councillors remain very publically outspoken in favour.
Councillor Martin Johns says: “Liberal Democrats are calling on the Tories to drop their disastrous plans now. Clinging to the fig leaf of a three-month parking review until just after local elections isn’t going to fool anyone. The Environment Agency remains very concerned and continues to share Lib Dem doubts about building a car park in the floodplain. The proposed car park would be too close to a residential area, destroy valuable public open space, and would put users in danger at times of flooding. This final point has been underlined by SNC’s own consultant.”
The council’s revised Flood Risk Assessment states: ‘It is accepted that the proposed car park may flood in extreme rainfall events and there may be a potential danger to users, particularly vulnerable persons such as children, the elderly and the infirm.’
Yesterday the Environment Agency wrote again to SNC stating: ‘Long-term car parking is unlikely to be acceptable in areas which regularly flood to a significant depth, due to the risk of car owners being away from the area and being unable to move their cars when a flood occurs. We are concerned that the site would neither remain operational or safe for users in times of flood. We are also concerned that the mitigation measures proposed (i.e. a timber post and rail fence) would be insufficient to prevent floating vehicles leaving the site.’
Councillor Chris Lofts comments: “Putting off the floodplain car park until after the local elections as now being claimed by the Tories had been anticipated. The Conservatives only appear to listen at local election time. They are waking up only to realise local people will soon be having their say on this fiasco and the whole Moat Lane project.”