Concerns over threat to Ambulance Station


Councillor Martin Johns outside                  Towcester Ambulance Station

Liberal Democrats have been responding to local people’s concerns over the continuing threat to close Towcester Ambulance Station. The Liberal Democrat Focus team continue to lobby East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS) to keep the Towcester ambulance station open. An announcement from EMAS is expected this week.

Commenting, Councillor Martin Johns says: “Our town’s ambulance station is valued by residents. With Towcester expanding it’s seems common sense that we need to continue to have an ambulance station in our town. EMAS had previously planned to close Towcester’s ambulance station but pulled back to take another look. Local crews are expressing concern that after the general election, Towcester’s ambulance station will be closed. In the longer term, Towcester’s Liberal Democrat Focus team would like to see a state of the art combined facility for both Fire and Rescue and Ambulance Service. This could be located within Towcester’s new development and have good access to the road network, but until then we must keep what we have.”

Councillor Martin Johns adds: “I know from experience how excellent our local ambulance service paramedics are. Five years ago, when unexpectedly, my heart valve decided it was about to pack up an ambulance was with me in just a few minutes. I realise there are other approaches to keeping paramedics on standby but they themselves tell people our ambulance station is needed. If other people wish to add their voice to the concerns they can contact me direct via my website.”

Liberal Democrat town councillor David Tarbun comments: “Towcester is already supported by Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service’s paramedics. Their crews are also highly trained but getting a Fire Tender quickly and safely down Towcester’s estate roads is often very difficult.”


2 thoughts on “Concerns over threat to Ambulance Station

  1. Maureen Thorne says:

    Hi Martin
    Thank you so much for highlighting the issue of our Ambulance station closing down, I feel very strongly that this should not happen we are a expanding town and there must be and will be a real need for it, I know of a couple of instants where if the Brackly Ambulance had not still been in Towcester two lives would have been lost. I had to ring for a Ambulance myself at christmas and the fire engine turned up and he failed to put a oxygen mask on me, which the paramedicts comented on when they came, it is very scary we need to get a petition going. Maureen WI member.

  2. Barbara Vance says:

    Hello Martin,

    I do agree that with the expansion of Towcester and surrounding area there will undoubtedly be more demand made on the ambulance service in the future. Hardly a day goes by when I don’t hear one travelling through on the A43. In discussing this matter with neighbours and friends it seems it has been general knowledge for a while. Why are we all so complacent I wonder?

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