Tory Northamptonshire ‘worst-run in the country’

Our Conservative run council dubbed the “worst-run in the country” is under investigation over allegations it used millions of pounds ring-fenced for public health to prop up other services. The BBC is reporting that Northamptonshire County Council is in talks with Public Health England about the possible “claw-back” of up to £10m.

Commenting, Liberal Democrat Leader at South Northants Council, Councillor Chris Lofts says: “Bad news about the Conservatives disastrous approach to running NCC’s budget and our local services just keeps on coming. Having made massive cuts to services and yet still failing to balance their books, NCC may now have to pay back up to £10m in miss-used funds. It’s difficult to see how the Tories can avoid yet deeper cuts to its services in the near future.”

Liberal Democrat Councillor Martin Johns adds: “Government has already sent an inspector to investigate the Conservatives poor management of its finances and services. There is likely be very bad news for local residents to come, with the most vulnerable including the elderly in our community suffering the most.”

Lib Dems Affordable Housing Success

8 Watling Street

Discussing 8 Watling Street with a Towcester resident back in 2012

A long running Liberal Democrat campaign has succeeded in providing much needed affordable housing in Towcester for single people, couples and small families.

The successful campaign by the Lib Dems also means that a historic building in the centre of Towcester will be put back into use. Both sets of properties were previously used by South Northamptonshire Council for social housing but had stayed empty for years.

Commenting Councillor Martin Johns said: “This has been an important issue that the Liberal Democrats have campaigned on relentlessly for the past four years. We are delighted to see that 8 Watling Street and Lower Stable Yard are finally being redeveloped. They have been empty for many years. It has been a disgrace that a massive amount of public money was poured into these properties by the Tories, only for properties to remain empty for such a very long time. 8 Watling Street, a listed building had been left empty and to rot for more than 14 years.”

Councillor Lisa Samiotis adds: “Council housing officers have worked hard to find a way to bring these properties back to life. After several false starts a solution to providing affordable housing at these locations has been found. This is very good news for people on the housing waiting list and for Towcester.”

Springfields Council Offices Demolition Underway

Tree cuttingRecently the Liberal Democrats successfully called on South Northamptonshire Council (SNC) to withdraw their application to cut down trees on the water meadows. However, work is underway to fell trees on the former council offices site at Springfields. The offices with ample car parking were completed in 1983, with several additions built some years later. The site is being redeveloped for over 80 houses but only a few will be affordable homes. There will be no children’s play area or public open space.

Although several trees had preservation orders, all trees on the site except two are being cut down. Following requests from Liberal Democrat councillors, SNC agreed last year to move a commemorative oak tree to another location.

Commenting, Councillor Martin Johns says: “It’s well known that Liberal Democrats strongly supported keeping the award winning Springfields council offices. Our view was shared with the vast majority of Towcester residents. Unfortunately, Tory controlled SNC went ahead with the move anyway. Although many Conservative councillors openly expressed having doubts about the controversial decision. Towcester’s two Conservative councillors always supported knocking down the Springfields offices and moving to Moat Lane.”

Councillor Chris Lofts says: “People in Towcester regret the expensive office move to Moat Lane. The loss of the landscaped green entrance to this part of town, including the loss of the trees, now coming into blossom, is a great shame.”

Back to the Drawing Board for Council’s Sign


Signage plans go back to the drawing board

South Northamptonshire Council’s application for ‘halo lit’ aluminium lettering for its new office building was refused yesterday.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Martin Johns says: “Members of the Development Control Committee were scathing about the scale, design, materials and lighting being proposed for the signage. We were unanimous in our disapproval of the proposed backlit aluminium letters.”

The Development Control Committee (planning) meeting was the last such meeting to be held at the council’s offices at Springfields before the buildings are demolished. Liberal Democrats are asking if the appalling signage has already been ordered and if so what is the cost of the rejected signage.

Lib Dem Councillor David Tarbun comments: “Local people already consider the building to be a monstrous eyesore, but the proposed signage would have made matters even worse. Let’s hope that Conservative councillors who lead the Moat Lane Board will take notice of the council’s own Heritage Unit and come up with something more in keeping with a conservation area.”

Lib Dems Working for Towcester

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Cllr Martin Johns & Cllr Chris Lofts listen to local resident

Liberal Democrats have responded to the quite extraordinary recent outburst posted on About My Area from Towcester’s Conservatives.

Councillor Martin Johns comments: “Taking differing views of how we run things in our community is fine, it’s politics, it’s how democracy works. It was very sad however, to see the recent posting from the Conservatives, a posting based entirely on untruths.

Liberal Democrats have been fully involved at every stage with helping make the best of the eventual doubling of our town over the next 20 years. This housing expansion is due to SNC’s Conservative policy of directing new housing development to Towcester and Brackley.

Liberal Democrats have worked over many years with SNC’s planning officers, town council, county council, government departments, our MP and the developers. Liberal Democrat councillors have been proactive we are fully involved in all meetings held to discuss development plans. Including plans for affordable housing, new schools, health services, sports pavilion and pitches, relief road, public open spaces, country park, allotments, quality of design in house types, cycle routes, the list goes on.

Councillor Lisa Samiotis has been leading on plans to greatly improve football and sports facilities, including those for the disabled. As Chair of the town council’s recreation & leisure committee, Councillor David Tarbun has taken a keen interest in plans for new public open spaces and country-park.

Liberal Democrats have successfully blocked Conservative councillors’ plans for cutting employment areas within the new development and replacing these with yet more houses. Yes, the Tories want even more houses. Liberal Democrat councillors also put a stop to the local Tories preferred plan for private companies to be given and maintain (or not) open spaces and parks, charging home owners directly for the service.”

County Councillor Chris Lofts adds: “Tory bluster is just their misguided and desperate attempt to try and distract attention from their disastrous plans that are so unpopular in Towcester. We will not allow the Conservatives to gag the Liberal Democrats. Lib Dems will continue to speak up for local people on issues affecting our town centre, the historic heart of our community. We’ll speak up for every part of Towcester including Wood Burcote and Caldecote.”

Tories Inflict Chaos on Towcester’s Roads

Work to narrow pavements along Northampton Road, has resulted in traffic jams and danger to pedestrians. The ‘improvements’ are entirely due to the building of the SNC council offices in Moat Lane. Liberal Democrat Councillor David Tarbun says: ‘I’ve responded to lots of complaints from concerned local people about the chaos being inflicted by the Conservatives decision to narrow the road and pavement at the Saracen’s traffic lights. There’s also a major problem being able to see past parked vehicles when exiting the car park.’

County Councillor Chris Lofts has worked hard with NCC Highways to try to make the best of the Tories bad job. Cllr Lofts says: ‘Poor leadership by Conservative councillors on the Moat Lane Board, has resulted in making matters worse, delaying motorists and endangering pedestrians.’

The chaos on our roads are yet another sign of local Conservatives failing to listen to Towcester residents. Despite all the complaints from Towcester people the Tories have ploughed on regardless with their expensive vanity project.

Towcester gets voice on Planning

Towcester will soon have the Lib Dems represented on South Northants Council’s Development Committee. Following the election of Liberal Democrats last week the Conservatives lose one place on the council’s committee that deals with planning issues.

This is good news for Towcester. Despite our town having the prospect of major development taking place, Towcester has been unrepresented on planning matters for a significant period.

Committee seats are allocated in proportion to the number of seats held by each political group. Last Thursday’s landslide result for the Liberal Democrats means the Conservatives lose two committee places to the Lib Dems and the Independents lose one place. Whilst planning is not party political, it has to be good for our town to have someone representing them who has local knowledge and is in tune with local people.

Councillor Chris Lofts commented: “Given the resounding message from Towcester last week, the town awaits a response from the Conservatives on their highly unpopular plans for moving the council’s offices. Conservatives claimed the by-election would be in part a referendum on their plans for building new council offices. Towcester people couldn’t have made their view more clear. They don’t want to see council offices moved from Springfields into the town centre.”

Towcester Lib Dems Make Landslide Gains

Liberal Democrats made two landslide gains from Tories in the by-elections on 9th February.

Chris Lofts took Northamptonshire County Council’s Towcester division on a massive swing of more than 30% since the 2009 shire polls. Lisa Samiotis triumphed at Towcester Brook, South Northants Council. This brings the total of Liberal Democrat gains this month to three, after a win from Labour last week.

Many people are angry at how the Conservatives have taken Towcester people for granted. The last Conservative County Councillor moved 200 miles away yet remained on the Council claiming her allowance. The Conservatives then spent over £3000 on a painting of her. Conservative bosses then parachuted in a new candidate who lives outside the area.

The Tories have failed Towcester. Locals are fed up with threats to cut local police numbers and plans to close Riverside Resource Centre. They are very upset that the Council is still trying to move to new offices in the town centre. They are fed up with street lights being turned off and roads left with potholes.

Liberal Democrats Chris Lofts and Lisa Samiotis live in Towcester. They know the area and the issues we face. This election result doesn’t change control of the Councils but it gives us two new local councillors who will work hard and put Towcester first.

Chris Lofts and Lisa Samiotis and the Liberal Democrats have worked hard all year around, not just at election time. They have had a great reception on the doorstep and have thanked residents for their support. The Conservatives have been sent a very clear message – start listening to Towcester residents.

Northamptonshire County Council – Towcester: Lib Dem 1279, C 638, Ukip 124, BNP 66. (June 2009 – C 1648, Lib Dem 760, Lab 293). Lib Dem gain from C.
Swing 31.6% C to Lib Dem.

South Northamptonshire District Council – Towcester Brook: Lib Dem 774, C 401, Ukip 129. (May 2011 – Three seats Lib Dem 857, C 831, Lib Dem 811, C 785, 753, Lib Dem 645, Ukip 266, 178). Lib Dem gain from C.
Swing 13.6% C to Lib Dem.

Lib Dems Select Locals as Towcester Candidates

The Liberal Democrats have selected Lisa Samiotis and Chris Lofts as their candidates for the by-elections called by the Conservatives for Thursday 9 February.

Lisa Samiotis is well known for her successful campaign to keep a local school crossing patrol and fund raising to support it. As a young working mum, Lisa knows the pressures of balancing bringing up children whilst working part-time. Lisa Samiotis plans to put Towcester family concerns and issues at the top of her agenda when elected. Liberal Democrat Lisa Samiotis is the only women candidate selected by political parties in these elections.

Chris Lofts is a town councillor and proud to have been a past Mayor of Towcester. Chris Lofts is very active locally within a number of voluntary organisations in Towcester. Chris was elected last May as a district councillor and has been working hard for Towcester people since his election win.

It will be a fascinating contest, on the doorstep people have been saying how much they appreciate the work Liberal Democrats do in Towcester all year around. The Liberal Democrats have two very strong local candidates in Lisa and Chris.

I’m somewhat puzzled that our opponents have failed to find a local person to contest the county council seat. The clear message from Towcester residents on the doorstep is they’re fed up with councillors who choose to live outside the town.

Lisa and Chris talking to parents

Tories consider charging for your Green Bin

Liberal Democrat councillors have come out strongly in favour of keeping the council’s green wheelie bin service free of extra annual charges. South Northants Council’s Conservatives are considering charging an annual fee for using green wheelie bins.

SNC’s waste and recycling service is one of the few services that benefits everyone in Towcester. To charge householders an extra £30 to £60 a year or more for using their green wheelie bin would be wrong.

Focus Team member Lisa Samiotis says: “Charging up to £60 a year for having a green wheelie bin would reduce recycling, add to fly-tipping and car trips to the recycling centre”. Lisa Samiotis adds: “It would be a recipe for chaos”. Councillor Chris Lofts says: “SNC is reviewing its how it runs its waste services because they need to renew the vehicle fleet. This is sensible. Your Liberal Democrat councillors will however be looking for all party support to keep your green wheelie bin from having extra annual charges introduced.”

Cllr Martin Johns with resident discussing green wheelie bins charges