Flood Risk Puts Council’s Car Park in Doubt

The Shires public open space

Liberal Democrats are highlighting that yet more doubt has been raised as to whether SNC’s Tory-led plans for a floodplain car park can go ahead. The Liberal Democrats are opposed to the plan, whilst the town’s two local Conservative councillors remain very publically outspoken in favour.

Councillor Martin Johns says: “Liberal Democrats are calling on the Tories to drop their disastrous plans now. Clinging to the fig leaf of a three-month parking review until just after local elections isn’t going to fool anyone. The Environment Agency remains very concerned and continues to share Lib Dem doubts about building a car park in the floodplain. The proposed car park would be too close to a residential area, destroy valuable public open space, and would put users in danger at times of flooding. This final point has been underlined by SNC’s own consultant.”

The council’s revised Flood Risk Assessment states: ‘It is accepted that the proposed car park may flood in extreme rainfall events and there may be a potential danger to users, particularly vulnerable persons such as children, the elderly and the infirm.’

Yesterday the Environment Agency wrote again to SNC stating: ‘Long-term car parking is unlikely to be acceptable in areas which regularly flood to a significant depth, due to the risk of car owners being away from the area and being unable to move their cars when a flood occurs. We are concerned that the site would neither remain operational or safe for users in times of flood. We are also concerned that the mitigation measures proposed (i.e. a timber post and rail fence) would be insufficient to prevent floating vehicles leaving the site.’

Councillor Chris Lofts comments: “Putting off the floodplain car park until after the local elections as now being claimed by the Tories had been anticipated. The Conservatives only appear to listen at local election time. They are waking up only to realise local people will soon be having their say on this fiasco and the whole Moat Lane project.”

Lib Dems against councillors’ extra allowance


Springfields last autumn. The council offices and every tree on site will be removed.


Liberal Democrats have voted in support of an independent panel’s recommendation that SNC removes a £705 a year allowance for councillors who are members of the Development Control Committee. The allowance paid is in addition to councillor’s annual allowance. Conservatives proposed an amendment and voted in favour to keep their allowance. Removing it would have saved the council £8,460 a year.

The debate was held on Wednesday 25th February at the last full council meeting to be held at the 32 year-old Springfields offices before it’s knocked down.

Councillor Martin Johns a member of the DC committee says: “Members of the Development Control Committee work extremely hard making difficult judgements about planning applications. Their meetings are often very long and there’s much material to read and absorb in advance. You don’t win any friends either being involved with planning decisions.

However, planning is a fascinating and vitally important function of local government. It’s one of the few aspects of being a councillor where you can make a real difference with just your vote. It’s a privilege to be a member of the committee. Attendance allowances were dropped years ago and councillors now get a generous annual allowance of £5,007. The council’s leader, deputy leader, cabinet members, committee chairs and vice chairs proportionally get a lot more.”

Councillor Chris Lofts says: “It seems foolish for the Conservatives to appoint an independent panel of people only to reject their carefully considered findings. No other council it appears pays such an allowance. Liberal Democrats voted in favour of the panel’s recommendation to remove it.”

Northamptonshire County Council – plan condemned as ‘muddled vision’

Plans to radically restructure the county council and make cuts of another £68m in Northamptonshire have been condemned by the opposition Liberal Democrats as being a “muddled vision”.

Tory plans to set up four outside bodies to run services and cut 4,000 staff to 150 were approved on Thursday. Liberal Democrat Chris Lofts dismissed the “Next Generation Model” as a “muddled vision” rushed through at the last minute.

The four new specialist social enterprises were to provide child protection, care of vulnerable adults, health and well-being services and economic development. Cllr Chris Lofts said he was also concerned because he believed it was not a plan but a “muddled vision” with no real detail of savings.

They were living on hopes and keeping their fingers crossed, he said.

Fellow Lib Dem Sally Beardsworth said the Conservatives were “hell bent” on pushing through ideas that were at best “embryonic” and the administration did not have a good record on innovation. Plans to transfer the housing stock to a tenants association had taken much longer than planned, she said. “They are facing a steep hill and cannot afford mistakes because there’s no money.”


Lib Dems Working for Towcester

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Cllr Martin Johns & Cllr Chris Lofts listen to local resident

Liberal Democrats have responded to the quite extraordinary recent outburst posted on About My Area from Towcester’s Conservatives.

Councillor Martin Johns comments: “Taking differing views of how we run things in our community is fine, it’s politics, it’s how democracy works. It was very sad however, to see the recent posting from the Conservatives, a posting based entirely on untruths.

Liberal Democrats have been fully involved at every stage with helping make the best of the eventual doubling of our town over the next 20 years. This housing expansion is due to SNC’s Conservative policy of directing new housing development to Towcester and Brackley.

Liberal Democrats have worked over many years with SNC’s planning officers, town council, county council, government departments, our MP and the developers. Liberal Democrat councillors have been proactive we are fully involved in all meetings held to discuss development plans. Including plans for affordable housing, new schools, health services, sports pavilion and pitches, relief road, public open spaces, country park, allotments, quality of design in house types, cycle routes, the list goes on.

Councillor Lisa Samiotis has been leading on plans to greatly improve football and sports facilities, including those for the disabled. As Chair of the town council’s recreation & leisure committee, Councillor David Tarbun has taken a keen interest in plans for new public open spaces and country-park.

Liberal Democrats have successfully blocked Conservative councillors’ plans for cutting employment areas within the new development and replacing these with yet more houses. Yes, the Tories want even more houses. Liberal Democrat councillors also put a stop to the local Tories preferred plan for private companies to be given and maintain (or not) open spaces and parks, charging home owners directly for the service.”

County Councillor Chris Lofts adds: “Tory bluster is just their misguided and desperate attempt to try and distract attention from their disastrous plans that are so unpopular in Towcester. We will not allow the Conservatives to gag the Liberal Democrats. Lib Dems will continue to speak up for local people on issues affecting our town centre, the historic heart of our community. We’ll speak up for every part of Towcester including Wood Burcote and Caldecote.”

Local Tories in ‘Hot Water’ Again


Site of the proposed Shires car park

The Liberal Democrats have pointed out that local Tories have got themselves in ‘hot water’ over their unpopular plan for a car park in Towcester’s floodplain.

Despite incorrect claims made by SNC’s Conservatives, Towcester Liberal Democrats can confirm that South Northants Council did not grant planning permission yesterday for a car park.

The Development Control Committee (Planning Committee) merely resolved to delegate the matter to the Head of Development Management to grant planning permission, but only on the strict basis that the Environment Agency unambiguously withdraw their objection (which is not a foregone conclusion in itself given the complexity of flood risk issues). If the flood risk issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the Environment Agency, Planning Officers would have no alternative but to take the matter back to Committee with a recommendation to refuse.

Towcester’s Liberal Democrat member of the Development Control Committee voted against the council’s plans for a car park within the Shires floodplain. Commenting, Liberal Democrat Councillor Martin Johns said: “After much consideration, taking into account all relevant issues, I spoke and voted against the proposal. My view is shared by the Environment Agency, that also objects to the Tories plan for a soggy car park next to a residential area.”

Conservatives all voted in favour of the application. Towcester’s Conservative councillor (who isn’t a member of the committee) attended and spoke at length in favour of the floodplain car park. Implausibly, he strongly denied that the car park was mainly intended for staff to be based at their new council offices in Moat Lane. Dismissing the views of local residents, the Tory councillor commented: “Well, someone’s got to live next to a car park.”

The bungled and hazardous road closures that have blighted travel around Towcester are directly linked to the proposed car park. Without the ‘improvements’ SNC couldn’t go ahead with its scheme for the out of town 170 space car park that could flood several times a year.


Lib Dems Gain a Concession Over Northampton Road Closure

N'ton Road small

Cllr Lisa Samiotis, Cllr Martin Johns & Cllr Chris Lofts at Northampton Road

Towcester’s Liberal Democrat Focus Team’s campaign to limit South Northants Council’s road closures to between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm has had some success. Residents living on the Shires have just been informed that work will now stop at 5 pm each day.  The Liberal Democrats have been supporting residents concerned about the Northampton Road closures being imposed next week by Tory run South Northants Council. Before the Lib Dem intervention the road closures were planned to continue into the evening.


Town Councillor David Tarbun a resident of the Shires, comments: “We have repeatedly asked, if we must have these road closures, they should be restricted to office hours. This would permit residents, should they wish to do so, to leave for work during the morning via the A5 and return via the A5 after work. Lib Dems have strongly urged SNC to apply common sense and limit the closures to between 9 am and 4 pm.”


Commenting, Liberal Democrat Councillor Martin Johns says: “Residents of the Shires estate are of course understandably worried about having to exit and enter Towcester via the dangerous A43 crossing. Local Lib Dems voiced concerns on behalf of residents weeks ago and Northamptonshire Highways have agreed with us. Unfortunately South Northants Council, presumably to save costs, will not agree to delaying starting work until 9 am.” Towcester and Roade Liberal Democrat County Councillor Chris Lofts comments: “The Conservatives have largely dismissed residents’ concerns. Their approach of ignoring local people’s views typifies the Tories attitude to their expensive Moat Lane council offices move.

Lib Dems Working to Save Old Library

Since early last summer, local Lib Dems have been hard at work trying to save the current library building in Richmond Road. Councillor Martin Johns explains: ‘Once the library moves in March to Moat Lane, Northamptonshire County Council will sell off its Richmond Road building. There’s a need for another community building for Towcester and this need will only increase as our town grows. In 15-20 years time Towcester will have doubled in size, there will be two new Primary Schools, new buildings at Sponne School and a sports pavilion with playing fields. However, there are no plans or funding for any new community building to meet an increased population.’

Councillor Martin Johns adds: ‘Leading the initiative, local Liberal Democrats have gained the backing of the town council, who in turn, have pledged to retain the building for community use.’ It’s thought it would be used by a variety of community groups, representing the arts, cultural and social needs. Towcester FoodBank, for example, is keen to find premises to run their service. The old school is ideally suited for continued use by the community. It’s centrally located, has parking, is also close to the town centre and other car parks.

Liberal Democrat County Councillor Chris Lofts writes: ‘The town council will bid for the building once it Northamptonshire County Council puts it up for sale. If necessary, the town council will seek to fund the scheme via funds coming from recent housing developments.’

Watch this space for more Focus action…

Focus Team discuss plans for the old school with local residents

Focus Team members discuss with local residents plans for the old school in Richmond Road



Tories Inflict Chaos on Towcester’s Roads

Work to narrow pavements along Northampton Road, has resulted in traffic jams and danger to pedestrians. The ‘improvements’ are entirely due to the building of the SNC council offices in Moat Lane. Liberal Democrat Councillor David Tarbun says: ‘I’ve responded to lots of complaints from concerned local people about the chaos being inflicted by the Conservatives decision to narrow the road and pavement at the Saracen’s traffic lights. There’s also a major problem being able to see past parked vehicles when exiting the car park.’

County Councillor Chris Lofts has worked hard with NCC Highways to try to make the best of the Tories bad job. Cllr Lofts says: ‘Poor leadership by Conservative councillors on the Moat Lane Board, has resulted in making matters worse, delaying motorists and endangering pedestrians.’

The chaos on our roads are yet another sign of local Conservatives failing to listen to Towcester residents. Despite all the complaints from Towcester people the Tories have ploughed on regardless with their expensive vanity project.

Lib Dem Chris Lofts says thank you

Liberal Democrat Chris Lofts has been saying thank you to people in Towcester, Roade, Stoke Bruerne, Shutlanger and Tiffield who voted for him on 2 May.
Chris won the newly formed electoral division of Towcester & Roade, leaving the Conservatives and UKIP in second and third place. Labour was squeezed into a poor fourth.
Commenting Councillor Chris Lofts said: “I will be working as hard as ever for everyone in the area irrespective of how them may have voted. I’ll be doing my best to listen and take action to get the best for people across the Towcester & Roade area. Together with everyone in the local Liberal Democrat Focus Team I will continue keeping in touch and working all year around.”


Towcester & Roade NCC Division Result:

Chris Lofts – Liberal Democrat        1226
Conservative                                                     976
UKIP                                                                  799
Labour                                                              408
BNP                                                                     36

Cllr Chris Lofts

Cllr Chris Lofts


Towcester gets voice on Planning

Towcester will soon have the Lib Dems represented on South Northants Council’s Development Committee. Following the election of Liberal Democrats last week the Conservatives lose one place on the council’s committee that deals with planning issues.

This is good news for Towcester. Despite our town having the prospect of major development taking place, Towcester has been unrepresented on planning matters for a significant period.

Committee seats are allocated in proportion to the number of seats held by each political group. Last Thursday’s landslide result for the Liberal Democrats means the Conservatives lose two committee places to the Lib Dems and the Independents lose one place. Whilst planning is not party political, it has to be good for our town to have someone representing them who has local knowledge and is in tune with local people.

Councillor Chris Lofts commented: “Given the resounding message from Towcester last week, the town awaits a response from the Conservatives on their highly unpopular plans for moving the council’s offices. Conservatives claimed the by-election would be in part a referendum on their plans for building new council offices. Towcester people couldn’t have made their view more clear. They don’t want to see council offices moved from Springfields into the town centre.”