Lib Dems Scoop National Award

South Northamptonshire Liberal Democrats have been recognised with an award at the Liberal Democrats national conference. The award was for their outstanding campaigning material. In May Towcester elected myself and Councillor Chris Lofts to South Northants Council.

It was good to have the work of local activists recognised. However it’s the all year round work of local Lib Dems that was key to winning council seats, not just the election campaign. My fellow councillor Chris lofts said: “Winning awards is great but we are now focusing on keeping our election pledges, in particular making sure the council’s policies and actions are scrutinised.”

Scott Collins, Parliamentary Spokesperson for the South Northants Liberal Democrats, was pleased with the result saying: “Its always good to have local campaigns and campaigners recognised. Martin and Chris were excellent at understanding and expressing views that reflected those of many people in Towcester who feel the Conservatives have not been listening to them.”

The highly commended award for quality design and content of was presented at the Liberal Democrats Autumn Conference by Party President Tim Farron MP. The award was given for the high quality design and content of election literature.

Lib Dems host visit by Minister for Justice

Visit to Vision Youth Cafe

Local Liberal Democrats last week hosted a visit to Towcester by Lord Tom McNally.

Lord McNally is leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords and Minister Of State for Justice.

During the day Lord McNally visited Silverstone Circuit before going on to meet the Police Area Commander to discuss local policing issues. After being interviewed live by BBC Radio Northampton, he went on to visit the Vision Youth Café. At Vision he met young people and youth leaders involved in this vibrant local youth project. Together with Cllr Chris Lofts I’ve been supporting the group’s funding problems after they lost secure funding from the county council.

Scott Collins, Parliamentary Spokesman for the Liberal Democrats in South Northamptonshire said about the visit which he organised: “We were delighted that Lord McNally was able to spend so much time speaking with people in Towcester and hearing about local issues.”

Commenting on his visit Lord McNally said: “I’ve been greatly impressed by all the new developments at Silverstone and now fully appreciate its growing importance to the local economy. Silverstone is a demonstration of British engineering excellence with potential for even greater things to come.” It was good to see Tom’s support for the youth work at Vision and as Minister for Justice, hear from young people directly about their volunteering and other positive activities. Tom said he will use this as an example of good practice. Lord McNally’s visit ended with him speaking in Towcester at a packed meeting of local Liberal Democrat activists and supporters.

New Loos for Towcester?

Example of modern automated toilets

Councillor Chris Lofts and I have asked for the detailed costs for installing new public toilets in Towcester. Many people have expressed their concerns over the loss of public toilets in the town. Local businesses have also been angry that they have been expected to offer their facilities to no-paying customers.

The town council is to consider in September replacing the existing loos with new automated toilets, similar to those in Stony Stratford. These have proved popular with locals and have been free of vandalism and abuse. South Northamptonshire Council own the toilets in Towcester but like other services they have closed them and refused to pay for modernised facilities.

As with other services (school crossing patrols, street lighting, library services, youth services) our Tory run county and district councils are increasingly passing the buck onto the town council. Liberal Democrats believe that public toilets should be provided. Watch this space for Lib Dem action!

SNC Tories Support Switch Off

A Liberal Democrat council motion on Wednesday 27 July urging the county council to review its policy of reducing street lighting by 50% was rejected out of hand by South Northamptonshire conservatives.

I called on local Tories to urge their colleagues at NCC to revisit their plan of turning off street lights. Good street lighting is essential in allowing normal life to continue after dark. It reduces street crime and fear of crime and reduces the number and severity of night-time road accidents. It also helps the emergency services carry out their roles after dark.

Good street lighting increases evening activity and promotes the evening economy by making people more confident in using public transport; enabling them to walk the streets after dark in safety and offering access to evening work, education and leisure activities.

Councillor Chris Lofts another Towcester Liberal Democrat councillor said: “The conservatives are putting their heads in the sand and denying that this issue is of concern to local people. If they were more in touch they would that understand good street lighting is very important to people.”

Town Council Saves Crossing Patrol

Towcester Town Council has voted to part fund the cost of providing the lollipop lady who helps children cross Vernon Road outside a Towcester Primary School. Parents who have campaigned to keep the service say they are delighted with the news.

Conservative controlled Northamptonshire County Council cut funding for all school crossing patrols as part of their plans to make savings of £73 million. I have been supporting parents and proposed at a recent planning and resources committee that  Towcester Town Council help support the scheme. My proposal was accepted unanimously but now has to be ratified by a meeting of the full council.

Vernon Road is a dangerous place for children and with more development planned at Wood Burcote traffic will increase in future years. Town councillors are angry and concerned that Northamptonshire County Council is again shirking their responsibilities, leaving the town to pick up the bill. NCC is quite simply bringing in double taxation, with Towcester residents paying twice for services that should be provided by the county council.

Towcester’s Liberal Democrat Councillor Chris Lofts says, “The town council is to urge NCC to either continue longer term funding or provide safety improvements to the road. Our Tory county councillor’s suggestion that parents volunteer to run the patrol themselves is completely unworkable. Unlike the Conservatives, Towcester’s Liberal Democrats are pledged to support parents in their fight to keep our local children safe.”

Elderly Home Owner Targeted by Doorstep Salesman

A local Lib Dem councillor’s prompt action has saved a vulnerable person being conned out of thousands of pounds.

An elderly lady in Towcester was recently visited by a salesman who persuaded her that her roof was defective and needed several thousand pounds of unnecessary repairs. The salesman spent over two hours at the property and was about to leave with a cheque in his pocket for nearly a thousand pounds as a deposit.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Chris Lofts happened to visit the elderly home owner just as the salesman was closing his deal. “I was very cross that a vulnerable lady living on her own had been frightened into signing a contract for work that was totally unneeded.” said Cllr Lofts, “The salesman was persuaded to tear up the contract and return the cheque before leaving. I have since sent the details of the incident to Northamptonshire County Council’s Trading Standards officers as I am worried that other elderly home owners in Towcester may be targeted.”

Trading Standards and the Government’s Consumer Direct organisations give sound advice about arranging building works or repairs. They advise being wary of salesmen saying you need work on your home that you were unaware of, always get three quotes for the work, ask for examples of where similar work has been carried out so you can check the quality and do not pay in advance for work. If home owners are in any doubt they should contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 or Northamptonshire Trading Standards on 01604 236236.

Parents Fight to Keep Crossing Patrol

Parents are campaigning to keep the lollipop lady who helps children cross Vernon Road outside Towcester Primary School.

Conservative controlled Northamptonshire County Council has withdrawn funding for all school crossing patrol services in the county as part of plans to make £73 million of savings. I have been supporting parents, who have started a petition to try to save the school crossing patrol service. A public meeting is being planned.

The petition already has hundreds of signatures and the support of the headteacher. Vernon Road is a busy road that joins the A5. It’s a very dangerous location, with more development planned that will only increase traffic in future years. Northamptonshire County Council says it would be prepared to continue running the school crossing patrol service if the community was able to come up with funding for it.

The Tory county councillor for Towcester has helpfully suggested parents volunteer to run the patrol themselves! NCC appear to be leaving Towcester residents to run public services themselves. No street lights, a library without funding for books and now no crossing patrol for Primary School kids. Together with Cllr Chris Lofts and local Lib Dems are pledged to support parents in their fight to keep our local children safe.

Concern Grows Over Switch Off

Concern is growing as more people are becoming aware of street lights in Towcester and across the county being switching off. A Liberal Democrat campaign to reinstate street lighting is being backed by local community groups, businesses and residents.

Local people are beginning to realise what the impact of turning off public lighting is having. Crime and fear of crime has been highlighted by Neighbourhood Watch. The AA and police are very concerned about the affect on road accidents.

I featured recently on BBC Radio Northampton who ran an item on the impact of the Conservative run county council’s big switch off.

Towcester Neighbourhood Watch say, “We… anticipate an increased feeling of insecurity and the fear of crime, with a loss of confidence in especially the elderly, vulnerable and young people in feeling safe taking a casual walk in the evening, walking to the shops or out with the dog, etc.”

Commenting Councillor Chris Lofts says, “Liberal Democrats will be supporting others at a Neighbourhood Watch organised public meeting to be held at Towcester Town Hall on 29 June at 7.30 pm. The total lack of consultation by the Tories has increased people’s anger over this short sighted policy of switching off street lights.”

NCC are negotiating a complex deal to replace street lights with energy efficient ones but there is no guarantee that this will happen. Even if lights are replaced, Tory run NCC admit that it will be well into 2012 before this happens. Towcester will be left in the dark over the bleakest winter months.

The safest and logical way would have been to replace the lights first, rather than plunge streets into darkness. This is inept planning by putting the cart before the horse!

Locals Give Views to Lib Dems

Together with Councillor Chris Lofts I have started monthly surgeries at Towcester Library. We are fortunate in having such an excellent and well used library in the town.

It’s very important to Liberal Democrats that we keep in touch with local people, listening to their views, issues and concerns. Today we heard from people about their worries over Towcester’s public toilets staying closed, and street lights being turned off. Others asked about how new housing development might in future provide better community facilities. Concerns were also expressed over the proposed density of the Moat Lane development and how it would overshadow Bury Mount.

Dog walkers and parents of children and young people in particular expressed their concerns about street lights being turned off. A member of Towcester Neighbourhood Watch voiced concerns about the adverse effect of reducing street lighting on crime and the fear of crime.

Councillor Chris Lofts says, “The surgeries on the first Saturday morning of every month will give a regular chance for Towcester people to raise issues and or seek help with a local problem.”

Combined with our websites, including: and FOCUS, our popular newsletter, we both plan to continue to be accessible to people all year round. Working all year round and keeping in touch is what people tell us they like about the Liberal Democrats.

Cautious Welcome for Towcester Blueprint

Copies of the adopted Masterplan for Towcester are now available for the public. This key planning document looks at challenges facing the town, highlights opportunities and sets out a vision for Towcester’s future development.

Commenting Councillor Martin Johns says, “This is an important publication that deals with issues from the town’s economy, to transport, housing, the environment, education, health and community services. Towcester Liberal Democrats are giving a cautious welcome to the plan.”

Cllr Johns adds, “Like most local people we strongly oppose the proposed move by SNC to Moat Lane referred to in the plan. Liberal Democrat SNC councillors are also being watchful that new development delivers fully on what the town needs. This includes an A5 bypass, community facilities and consideration of how new developments will affect existing properties both in the town’s estates and at Wood Burcote. Liberal Democrats will work to ensure that the impact of new development on existing residents’ homes will be minimised.”

Councillor Chris Lofts comments, “Although delivered late, this plan offers some good ideas for Towcester’s future. Liberal Democrats will be scrutinising local authorities and developers over the coming months and years to make sure Towcester gets the facilities and infrastructure the community needs.”