Failed Tories say please send Commissioners

On the doorstep people are saying they are angry with the Conservatives’ mismanagement of the council

‘Failed’ Conservative run Northamptonshire County Council has written to the government to ask that it sends in its commissioners as soon as possible. Because of the failures by local Conservatives, Northamptonshire County Council together with all the district and borough councils in the county are to be scrapped in two years’ time. Two new unitary authorities are being considered to replace the existing two-tier county and district council system.

Commenting Liberal Democrat Chris Lofts says: “Following a damming report into the way the Conservatives have mismanaged the county council, the government made clear they were of a mind to send commissioners. It goes to show just how bad things are that the Tories themselves are asking that commissioners are sent in as soon as possible. The irony is local council taxpayers will have to pay for the commissioners who will oversee finance and governance.”

Liberal Democrat Councillor Martin Johns said: “Having already agreed to almost £40m of cuts for this year’s budget and used up all its financial reserves, further cuts to local services are expected soon. The Conservatives may wish to blame additional cuts on the government’s commissioners but I think most local people know by now who’s been at fault in this sorry affair.”


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